FLEET’s Communications Committee gathers information and leads on stories from diverse nodes, feeds these stories through to the communications coordinator, channels feedback from the nodes, and develops strategies to communicate FLEET research to the wider research community, partners, stakeholders, potential end users and the public. See the Engage with FLEET section.

Communications Committee Members

David Cortie Committee Chair, UOW

Cecilia Bloise Node Coordinator, UNSW

Chutian Wang PhD Student, Monash

Errol Hunt Senior Communications Coordinator, FLEET

Jared Cole Chief Investigator, RMIT

Jeff Davis Chief Investigator, Swinburne

Matthias Wurdack PhD Student, ANU

Nagy Valanoor Committee Deputy Chair, Chief Investigator, UNSW

Stuart Earl Research Fellow, Swinburne

Vivasha Govinden PhD Student, UNSW

Frequent newsletters updating members with what's going on in FLEET and the Centre's research achievements are very helpful.

There is a clear framework and team of people involved for communicating research outcomes to the broader audience.

The communications team do a good job advertising seminars, especially around COVID. In terms of collaboration, the past 12 months have seen the fruits of the collaboration that started in 2017, which is a strength.

FLEET member survey